Three Secrets of the Body - Combining Eastern and Western Approaches for Pain Management

energy pain recovery Jun 25, 2024


The human body is a marvel of engineering, capable of exquisite coordination of movement, equilibrium, and strength. This article explores a holistic approach to pain management that not only provides relief but also improves posture, physical movement, and overall wellness. It’s about a fusion of ancient acupuncture wisdom, physiology, and the modern science of manual muscle testing.

The Power of Acupuncture

Acupuncture has long been appreciated for its ability to alleviate pain. This ancient practice stands apart from traditional Western medicine by focusing on the body’s subtle-energetic patterns, often referred to as ‘chi’ flow. Acupuncture theory recognizes the interconnectedness of various factors such as how mind and body are connected so closely that what affects one aspect will also affect the other. Ancient observations have stood the test of time and underpin a system that reaches beyond the immediate site of pain. It considers an...

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Tune Ups For Your Feet

Are you in a Healing Profession? Do you enjoy going home at the end of the day knowing you provided great value for your services? Do you ever wish that you could give even more and have the results of your sessions last longer?

Is there anything more valuable to your clients than feeling confident about not falling when walking? Or perhaps they would value having better physical coordination? Or more enduring results from chiropractic and massage therapy?

A single Muscle Tuning session ended my client's public embarrassment as a result of experiencing a mild neurological injury. He walked as though he was drunk. He landed himself in a patch of brambles while simply picking a berry. He fell down a small hill when walking the dog, wavered when standing at work and had challenges when taking public transit. It was tiring hearing people ask if he was okay. Never mind the consequences of falling down the stairs at home!

If the process...

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The Missing Link for Permanent Muscle Pain Relief

pain rehabilitation Mar 18, 2023

Understanding Muscle Tightness Issues –  Are You Aware of ‘Over-Facilitation’?

Living with chronic muscle pain can be frustrating, especially if traditional approaches like heat / ice therapy, hydration, stretching, anti-inflammatory agents, or massage and other therapies provide only temporary relief. Are you a therapist who serve clients who struggle with chronic pain due to muscle tightness?

A good number of therapists are frustrated when tight muscles will not release despite their best efforts. This is because there are underlying causes which they might be unaware of.

Muscles that are resistant to relaxation are usually over-facilitated, meaning they are working harder than necessary to function normally. This occurs when they have lost their bandwidth to perform their work. They begin to ‘borrow’ energy from nearby muscles which can result in the ‘borrower’ developing an over-compensated state. The situation involves the agonist,...

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Podcast Appearances

These recordings reflect the authentic me sharing my perspective on maintaining or improving wellness, self-care, preventing injury, recovering from injury, increasing strength /flexibility / range of motion, reducing stress and reaching physical and other goals more easily. Quite a nice collection even if I do say so myself!

If you like to consume information by listening or watching... here are some treats for you:

Yours in strength and balance!

© 2023 Denise Cambiotti – Muscle Tuners International Inc.



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Pain - More Pressure Than You Think

muscle testing pain Oct 15, 2022

The body is an absolute marvel of engineering. This article will discuss perspectives for pain management that also contribute to improved posture, physical movement, and general wellness.

Acupuncture is well known for treating pain. This approach is different from traditional western medicine as it embraces working with the body’s subtle-energetic patterns (‘chi’ flow). This art considers factors from areas at a distance from the pain and takes into account each individual’s unique blueprint when mapping their plan of care.

Meridian pathways move ‘chi’ throughout the body and follow the network of fascia. Modalities that focus on releasing fascial tension are also popular for reducing pain. However, when users of such systems focus just around the area of pain, relief is usually short-lived. 

‘Chi’ energy flows along microscopic channels throughout the body. This has been scientifically proven with radioactive studies. Each...

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3 Ways Muscles Support Digestion

Uncategorized Jun 02, 2022

Every single muscle of the body affects functions of your organs and glands. Read through till the end because I will share a brief powerful activity that supports vibrant health.

  1. Moms tell us to “take time to chew your food” Chewing thoroughly is an important chemical / mechanical process that stimulates saliva which is essential for the digestive process and breaks down food into smaller particles so that it doesn’t putrefy in the digestive tract. Using our jaw muscles longer before swallowing each bite helps prevent several degenerative health issues.

  2. Muscles function best in proper harmony with one another which allows us to stand and move easily. When muscles aren't communicating well they cause tension and pain and cause the body to lean, twist, tilt or slump. Having good posture allows internal organs to work without any pressure caused by twisting or slumping of the body.

    Imagine being a stomach. How would you like to do your job...
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Healing Can Happen Anywhere!


One of the things students often hear me say is that “healing can happen anywhere”.

The image above is me working on someone in a gym. This system requires no equipment so Muscle Tuning™ can just as easily be offered at someone’s residence or office, and if you click the play button, you will see another woman's video describing the dramatic change she enjoyed as a result of a conversation we had while I was out for a walk.


I was chatting with her on the phone after I had seen a post about her new kayak. That's when she mentioned that she had a fear of water. Wow. I stopped in my tracks at the park and asked if I could help with that.

She agreed so I led her through the process which took about 4 minutes. It was simple to coach Alison in our proprietary Dynamic Emotional Alignment Reset™ (DEAR) Technique to release trapped emotional stress and she said she already felt much less scared about going out in her...

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You Have Emotional Reset Buttons

better sleep self-care tips May 23, 2022

Have you ever gotten stressed and fallen into an unproductive or ugly emotional state? Stress causes your ‘dinosaur-brain’ to trigger behaviours that are not very resourceful. Once you’ve gotten there, it can be difficult to have a productive day or regain your sense of calmness and control.

There is something you can do that activates your emotional reset buttons. The following approach is a general overall method to use when you realize you are experiencing emotional stress and it consistently works like magic. Let me show you how simple it is to release stress and light up your frontal cortex so that you can feel better, solve challenges more easily and make better decisions.

This activity utilizes certain acupressure points which literally act as emotional pressure release valves in order to reduce the amount of time stress hormones circulate through your body causing uncomfortable feelings.

Have you ever noticed when someone is stressed they...

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3 Little-Known Ways That Muscles Affect Organs (and Glands)

Would it surprise you to learn that every single one of your muscles communicate to your organs and glands? This occurs in part via subtle energetic channels called Meridians and little-known reflexes that connect the nervous system with the lymphatic or vascular structures that flow through the organs. Many therapists are unaware that impaired function of these affects organ and muscle function.

  1. Acupuncture works with tiny points located on energetic pathways called Meridians. These pathways support bodies with subtle energy called Ch’i which has been studied for thousands of years. The presence of Meridians has been confirmed by several Western experiments involving injection of radioactive-isotopes that follow predictable patterns of flow throughout the body.

Beginning in the 1960s chiropractor Dr. George Goodheart Jr. sometimes obtained unexpected results from contacting the body in specific ways and ‘accidentally’...

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Your Body Has Reset Buttons

Because the body is electrical in nature, the nervous system will often pop a ‘circuit-breaker’ when there has been over-use, injury or chronic stress causing a muscle or series of muscles to stop working optimally. Knowing where the reset buttons are to restore the energy flow can be a game-changer.

If you are a therapist who isn’t aware of this circuitry, you may fail to permanently resolve physical issues because few or no messages are getting to the tissues that are in trouble because neurological messages aren’t being delivered and affected areas cannot respond appropriately.

For individuals who practice manual muscle testing these areas are easy to identify. The process basically involves positioning a limb in a certain manner to isolate a contracted muscle and then attempting to push it along its range of motion while asking the client to keep their limb at the start position. When neurological signalling has been disrupted, the limb will not...

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