Surprising Results from 'Power On Your Brain' Free Tip

We are sharing a pretty nice 'Winning Story' reported to us during our most recent Office Hours support video conference we regularly host for our members. One of our Muscle Tuner® Specialists gave a wonderful report. It was related to one of the techniques we often share called 'Power on Your Brain'.

She had a female friend in her mid 30's perform this technique. Touch for Health® colleagues know this as the 'Switching On Exercises'. This woman had had a stroke eight years previously and had undertaken a series of rehabilitation efforts during this duration and things had gotten better but she still had a few issues. She currently suffered from a problem with her peripheral vision.  This meant she couldn't view her surroundings with any amount of 'wide angle' that we mostly all take for granted. 

Instantly after performing this technique, she said "Oh My God!" and reported that all her peripheral vision had returned. She...

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Flexibility Increased!

Okay, so that's not a picture of me attached to this post. Did it get your attention though?

I've been struggling with a particular stretch similar to the one above but with the opposite arm reaching up from below to touch fingertips between the shoulder blades.

I've been posting social media images that our methods not only improve strength, they improve flexibility also. I wondered, if I could do that for other people like Andrea (first video on this link),  couldn't I focus on the flexibility component for myself too? I thought about which muscles were involved in the movement. I moved my left arm then my right arm around in various ways (fitting right in with everyone else in the stretching area at the back of the gym, of course).

I tested four muscles I suspected were involved. The Middle Trapezius was okay, but not the Lower Traps. They unlocked one one side so I activated reflexes on the front and back of the body for about 20 seconds each. Then...

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Payment Plans

Payment Plans may be super convenient or outright essential for some of our customers... it helps to make monthly cash flow commitments manageable. Payment Plans work great for us too! 

Let's make each other happy. Contact us to enquire about current discounts and to set up a payment plan. 

PS: When you pay full retail for our Muscle Tuner™ Specialist Program, once you complete it and start charging for Muscle Tuning™ sessions, it takes our average customer (depending on service prices in their areas) on average between 25-40 hours to break even and pay off the Program's cost. Sound like a good return on investment? You will own this technology for life and the price of satisfaction is thrown in for free!


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Rave Review for New 'Fine Tuning' Program!

What a GREAT way to start the New Year. Especially as we're hip deep in producing our next Program. Check out this testimonial:

"You may remember when we were at the last Muscle Tuners International seminar, you asked me to do a little experiment regarding the foot pain problem I shared with you. You mentioned it was a preview to the technique we're going to learn in the Fine Tuning Program. I did it and am happy to report it made quite a difference in the pain level. In fact, I no longer need to take anything for the pain!

I’ve had this foot pain for 14 months now, and it was very, very slowly getting better. After using the technique you suggested, I had a real jump in the speed of recovery. I estimate it would’ve taken me at least a couple of months to get the same amount of improvement I got from applying this technique just twice over a few days!

Thanks so much for suggesting I try this - I’m super happy with the results!"

- L.P.

- Denise Cambiotti
© 2019...

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New Muscle TunerĀ® Specialist Hosts Successful Demo

It was another proud day when one of our graduates joined a regularly scheduled Zoom conference support call to report how things went for her at a recent demonstration event she hosted.

She told us she arranged to use some meeting space at a local gym and distributed posters around town, posted on social media and sent out personal invitations.

She shared with us the fear she had had about whether she could offer demonstrable changes in the short time allotted for each attendee.

How Did the Demo Go?

She was delighted to have very positive results with every volunteer! For example, two people with considerable pain felt a reduction in discomfort ranging from ‘almost all’ to ‘completely gone’. Another person had an old injury that required her to re-learn how to walk. The crowd and the young woman noticed that she was already walking better after a few Gait Mechanism Reflexes were reset. Another volunteer later had a regular follow up osteopathic appointment...

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Tip for Sore Joints and Muscles

pain tips Oct 12, 2018

Warm Ups Are Important
Even though my gym is nearby I have been a little tardy in arriving for group sessions the last few visits and didn't get an effective warmup. Not a good habit. During my last session, one of my knees complained loudly. It quickly got surprisingly painful to the point I couldn't put my full weight on the one leg during some of the moves.

Simple, Effective Technique
Thankfully we soon got a brief water break and I had about 20 seconds to perform the "Origin / Insertion Technique' that we teach in our Muscle Tuner™ Specialist program. You will want to remember the theory of this technique in case you ever experience a 'muscle pull'. Perform it as early as possible and you will be impressed with the results. #TIP

How to Do It?
The only trick to the technique is having some understanding of where your painful muscle 'originates' from and where it 'inserts'. Once you know that, use your fingertips to make tiny circular wiggles all along the edges of...

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Handy Technique at the Fair!

pain tips walking Sep 02, 2018

Last week I spent time at the end-of-summer fair in Vancouver, BC and enjoyed the President's Choice SuperDog show (#pcsuperdogs) at the arena. However, when descending the steep concrete steps surrounded by crowds of people, I turned my foot oddly while stepping down. Ouch. It felt like a light sprain at the bottom of my foot and it felt like the arch collapsed a bit. Determined to be tough and not spoil the day I managed well enough until I finished lunch. When I stood up, the discomfort was even worse.  I started wondering how I was going to make the very long trek back to the car.

As a Muscle Tuner™ Specialist, I happen to know that the Posterior Tibialis muscles are involved in helping support the arch of the foot. As any devoted practitioner of Muscle Tuning™, I plopped myself down on a nearby bench, pulled off my shoe and thoroughly activated the origin and insertion of this muscle on my sore foot. I also activated...

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Once at the TOP the scenery wasā€¦.BREATHTAKING

demonstrations Aug 29, 2018

While on holidays and on a road trip from the Lower Mainland to the 'End of the Road' in Keno City, Yukon in August, Denise found several people from Whitehorse, Mayo, and Keno City interested in her new business and willing to experience a demonstration.  

Her willing participants were school chums, hotel operators, 20+-year-olds going to post-secondary schools for sports sciences, a gym manager, a retired miner, a retired RCMP officer, a schoolteacher, a government negotiator, and even a visiting physiotherapist from Ontario!  All of these people found their experience to be 'impressive' and one remarked 'why haven't I heard about this yet???!!!!'. That young man was visiting home during summer break from university in Victoria and both he and the physiotherapist were very pleased to learn that the majority of our Program can be taken online at their own pace.

One of our Muscle Tuner® Specialists, Alison Zeidler, lives in...

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Yoga Instructor and 1/2 Marathoner Receive Great Results from Muscle Tuningā„¢



 © 2018  Muscle Tuners International Inc.

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Who Knew?

Who knew that a little pressure on a Neuro-lymphatic Reflex point would make such a difference?

Recently my business partner, Denise, and I were in a photo shoot with Spenser Chapple (photographer) and Keegan McMahon (the model).  The goal of the day was to walk away with pictures and videos of 50+ muscle tests.  The starting position for Subscapularis was a challenge for Keegan, so we asked him if we could rub the lymphatic spots on the front & back of his body (T2-T3).  He said yes and we did.  Then we carried on with the other muscles. 

Once finished the “still shots” we moved onto shooting the videos.  Once again Keegan put his limbs into the start position of the muscle tests.  When we got to the previously challenging subscapularis muscle test, Keegan’s arm went into position with ease!  Keegan and Spenser were impressed and we were ALL amazed even though Denise and I regularly see these types of results.  We...

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